Energy Audits

Star Energy Solutions

The energy audit is a fundamental step in your energy cost reduction program. It provides you with a comprehensive road map of the opportunities and their impact on your carbon footprint. A good energy audit not only lists all the energy cost reduction opportunities but also provides an accurate estimate of savings and implementation cost of each measure along with its impact on your GHG emissions.

ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers) has defined the following three levels of an energy audit:

  • ASHRAE Level 1: Walk Through Analysis: Cheapest and quickest
  • ASHRAE Level 2: Energy Survey and Analysis: Most performed audit
  • ASHRAE Level 3: Detailed Survey and Analysis: Also known as Investment Grade Audit

Star Energy offers all three levels of energy audits. We work with you in identifying your needs and make sure that the level of energy audit will satisfy your financial approval criteria while conforming to your long-term sustainability goals.

Our energy audits rely on an exclusive data base that we have developed over the last 10 years working with thousands of client facilities. We benchmark your energy consumption to give you a clear picture of how you are performing compared to your peers.

Typically, our energy audits will uncover sufficient energy cost reduction opportunities which, when implemented, will make your facilities operate better than your peers. We also explore the incentives that are available in your area to reduce the implementation cost, thereby making a strong business case for the implementation of recommended measures.

For several clients, we have managed the implementation of energy cost reduction measures over a number of selected locations as pilots to prove the savings. Subsequently we have then developed a comprehensive energy cost reduction program for implementation over the entire portfolio with an eye on acceptable financial metrics, e.g. IRR/NPV.

Typical IRR on our energy cost reduction programs (ECRp®) is in the range of 20% to 35%.


Performance metrics


Energy savings opportunities

Deeper retrofits that go beyond just lighting


and higher IRR in most cases


#11-1155 North Service Road W, Oakville, Ontario, L6M 3E3


(416) 800-7774